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- ; $VER: Install_TopazPatch 1.0 (9/2/1998)
- ;
- ; Install script for TopazPatch
- ;
- ; Distributed as a part of the TopazPatch archive.
- ; This script made from that in the original OneFont installer script.
- ; OneFont is Copyright (C) 1994 by Jan Skypala
- ; All righs reseredved
- (set TopazPatch "TopazPatch")
- (set TopazPrefs "TopazPrefs")
- (set #targetpchstr "In which directory should TopazPatch be installed?")
- (set #targetprfstr "In which directory should TopazPrefs be installed?")
- (set #copying-TopazPatch "Copying TopazPatch...")
- (set #copying-TopazPrefs "Copying TopazPrefs...")
- (set #fixing-ss "Correcting User-Startup file...")
- (set #targetpchsel (cat "\nThis part of the installation will copy the patch program to the directory you choose.\n\n"
- @askdir-help))
- (set #targetprfsel (cat "\nThis part of the installation will copy the prefs program to the directory you choose.\n\n"
- @askdir-help))
- (set #startup-help (cat "If User-Startup file is changed TopazPatch will be started every "
- "time you boot so all programs will use new font instead of topaz.\n\n"
- "Two things will happen:\n\n"
- "· The Installer will check if your startup-sequence\n"
- " executes the file S:User-Startup, and will modify\n"
- " it to do so, if necessary.\n\n"
- "· The Installer will look through the S:User-Startup\n"
- " file and insert the correct TopazPrefs statements\n"
- " where appropriate.\n\n"
- @startup-help))
- (complete 0)
- (set @targetpch-dir
- (askdir
- (prompt #targetpchstr)
- (help #targetpchsel @askdir-help)
- (default "C:")
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt @copying-TopazPatch)
- (source TopazPatch)
- (dest @targetpch-dir)
- (infos)
- (noposition)
- )
- (complete 33)
- (set @targetprf-dir
- (askdir
- (prompt #targetprfstr)
- (help #targetprfsel @askdir-help)
- (default "SYS:PREFS")
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt @copying-TopazPrefs)
- (source TopazPrefs)
- (dest @targetprf-dir)
- (infos)
- (noposition)
- )
- (complete 66)
- (startup
- ("TopazPatch"
- (prompt #fixing-ss)
- (help #startup-help)
- (command (tackon @targetpch-dir "TopazPatch >NIL:"))
- )
- )
- (complete 100)